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Computer Science Timeline

  • Facebook is launched

    Facebook is launched
    Facebook provides a new way for people to connect with each other via the internet.
  • YouTube is founded

    YouTube is founded
    YouTube is founded, and bought by Alphabet Inc. in November of the following year. It goes on to become one of the largest video sharing networks on the web.
  • First iPhone is released

    First iPhone is released
    The first is released by Apple capable of browsing the web, making phone calls, and playing music. The app store did not exist at this time so users were limited to the default apps.
  • Android is released

    Android is released
    Android, an operating system competing against iOS is launched by Google.
  • Waymo is founded

    Waymo is founded
    Waymo, originally the Google Self Driving Car Project, is founded and begins to work on self driving vehicle technology.
  • Facebook reaches 1 billion users

    Facebook reaches 1 billion users
    Facebook reaches 1 billion users, meaning 1 in 7 people on Earth use Facebook.
  • Amazon Echo is released

    Amazon Echo is released
    Amazon releases the Amazon Echo smart speaker, sparking a wave of other smart speakers including Google Home and Siri Homepod.
  • Pokemon Go is released

    Pokemon Go is released
    Pokemon Go made the use of regular phone cameras for augmented reality very wide-stream. It is the first app to use AR as its primary feature.
  • First Amazon drone delivery

    First Amazon drone delivery
    The first delivery via an unmanned drone by Amazon is made in 13 minutes from click to delivery.
  • The first Tesla Model 3 is released

    The first Tesla Model 3 is released
    The Tesla Model 3 is released, and has an entirely new way of interacting with the vehicle as opposed to any other car in production, with a single large touchscreen display that provides all the information and controls, with almost no physical buttons.