Computer + Related Technology Timeline Assignment

  • First Computer

    First Computer
    Charles Babbage plans a calculating machine that is considered to be the first computer.
  • Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone, transmitting the sound of the voice clearly over electrical wires
  • Television (broadcast)

    Television (broadcast)
    The very first few homes get television to watch broadcasted programs. Invented by John Logie Baird
  • Communication Satellite

    Communication Satellite
    First communications satellite is launched, allowing worldwide live broadcast of 1964 Olympics
  • Email Messages

    Email Messages
    First email messages are sent. Sent by Ray Tomlinson
  • The Internet

    The Internet
    Robert Kahn and Vincent Cerf invent the Internet, funded by the US Defense Department
  • MIcrosoft

    Paul Allen and Bill Gates found Microsoft, dominating the software industry
  • Apple

    Apple Company is founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne
  • Cellphones for Sale

    Cellphones for Sale
    First cellphones are available for sale
  • WWW

    Tim Berners-Lee invents the World Wide Web
  • Smart phone

    Smart phone
    IBM creates the first smart phone
  • Google

    Google company is formed, dominating the Web
  • Youtube

    Youtube is created, dominating the video web field.