Computer + Related Technology

  • Alexander Graham Bell-Telephone

    Bell, best known for his invention of the telephone. Bell started working on a harmonic telephone (a device that allowed multiple messages to be sent over a wire). While trying to perfect this technology, bell was looking for a way to transmit human voices over wires. After getting it to work, Bell who raced to the patent office to secure rights of the discovery. he made the first ever telephone call to his partner, Watson. Saying a now famous phrase "Mr. Watson, come here. I want you".
  • WWI-radio for military communication

    Civilian radio activities were suspended during the war, as the radio industry was taken over by the government. Numerous military applications were developed, including direct communication with airplanes.
  • WWII-accelerates computer technology

    Similar to radar technology. Computers had been in development well before the start of World War II. However, the war demanded rapid progression of such technology, resulting in the of new computers of unprecedented power.
  • Robert Khan and Vincent Cerf- invented the internet

    The idea of network of information long predates Cerf and Kahn, but wasn't until the 1960s when they put the idea in motion. trying to figure out how you could transmit electrical data. Many other organizations expanded on it, even Cref and Kahn did collaborations with different groups. after their invention, the two would go and be pioneers for the further development and industry. while working for the US government.
  • First email message sent

    Computer Engineer, Ray Tomlinson sent the first electronic mail with anti-climactic message. it wasn't anything special, he just sent if to himself. to verify one computer can send a message to another.
  • Paul Allen and Bill Gates- found Microsoft

    at the time when most Americans used typewriters, childhood friends Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Microsoft, a company that makes computer software. originally based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Microsoft relocated to Washington state in 1979 and eventually grew into a major multinational technology corporation.
  • Steve Jobs + Steve Wozniak + Ronald Wayne-Apple company

    Jobs, Wozniak, and Wayne found apple. Steve, he took the first steps into the business with the Apple-1, the primary PC produced in Jobs storage. the sales increased every year. apple has been the worlds most valuable brand.
  • Tim Berners-Lee- World Wide Web

    After inventing the web, Berners-Lee made sure it was made freely available to all. he is now dedicated tp enhancing and protecting the web's future.
  • Google company is found

    A pair of Stanford university grads filed paperwork with the state of California to officially create google Inc, hoping to turn their ideas about searching and indexing the world wide web into a profitable company.
  • Paypal is created

    Was founded by Max Levchin, Peter Thiel, and Luke Nosek. as a company that developed security software for handheld devices, the original name was confinity. at the start stages the company was giving away $20, $10, and $5 when signing up.
  • flash drive

    The flash drive was the "thumbdrive", made by Singapore company trek technology in 2000. later that year IBM came out with their own, the diskonkey. the USB 2.0 was the first standard hardware in the 2000, although is wasnt commonly available intel 2003.
  • Bluetooth

    Bluetooth was invented back in 1994, but the first Bluetooth phone didn't hit selves until 2001.
  • Skype

    Skype transformed the way that people communicate across borders. before skype it costed to call family/friends across borders or countries, now with skype it free.
  • The Facebook

    Facebook was not the first social media platform out there, but after awhile it got around and it quickly took over even other social media platforms. with billions of active users, Facebook has transformed the billion ways people share news or even sell/buy different things.
  • Google maps

    with launching it changed the way many people traveled. google maps has made getting lost virtually impossible, most traveling before that involved paper maps.