Computer Inventions 2010-2014

  • iPad

    The iPad was invented by Steve Jobs in 2010. It is a touchscreen device with the capability of accessing cellular networks.
  • Nexus One

    Nexus One
    Ken Schwaber invented the Nexus One in 2010. This is a mobile device that runs Android 2.1 and is used to browse, edit and share photos.
  • Amazon Kindle Fire

    Amazon Kindle Fire
    The Amazon Kindle Fire was developed by amazon in 2011. It is a touch screen device that is an Android based operating system, used for reading books online.
  • Chromebook

    The Chromebook was developed in 2011 by Samsung. Chromebooks are a cheap laptop with the purpose of accomplishing basic tasks and connecting to the internet.
  • Apple Watch

    Apple Watch
    The apple watch was invented by Jony Ive. It is a device that can make phone calls and send texts all from your wrists.