Computer History Timeline

  • Apple Unveils the iPad

    Apple Unveils the iPad
    Invention: iPad
    Inventor: Steve Jobs ?
    The iPad has enhanced the lives in homes and in businesses tremendously. It has been part of a generation of notebooks that provide a larger space with more computing power to interact with electronic applications. This provides places such as a restaurant a much more convenient way of managing their product.
  • Period: to


  • Samsung Comes out with the first Google Chrome book

    Samsung Comes out with the first Google Chrome book
    Invention: ChromeBook
    Inventors: multiple
    Chromebook is a google equivalent to apple notebooks/iPads. It uses Googles proprietary "chrome OS" operating system/shell structure, used in notebook type devices. Companies like Samsung have created Chromebook devices.
  • Apple Releases Apple Watch

    Apple Releases Apple Watch
    Invention: Apple Watch
    Inventor: Kevin Lynch; Apple Dev Team
    The Apple watch helped make the big screen reality.
  • First Reprogrammable Quantum Computer Created

    First Reprogrammable Quantum Computer Created
    Invention: Reprogrammable Quantum Computer
    Inventor(s): Shantanu Debnath
    "The new device is made of five qubits. Each qubit is an ion, or electrically charged particle, trapped in a magnetic field. The scientists can use lasers to manipulate these ions — five ytterbium atoms — infusing them with precise amounts of energy and influencing their interactions with each other." (livescience)
  • Darpa and NanoComputers

    Darpa and NanoComputers
    Invention: Molecular Computers/Nano Computers
    Inventor: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) "...Harness chemistry's natural variation to crank through massive amounts of data processing and storage, creating minuscule molecular machines."