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Apple Computer History

  • Apple PowerBook

    Apple PowerBook
    The Apple PowerBook was released in October 1991 and was Apple’s first portable PC. With the ability to have a computer anywhere at any time, Apple had created a serious contender in the world of laptop computers. The PowerBook would later be replaced with the MacBook in 2006.
  • Microsoft Word 5.1

    Microsoft Word 5.1
    Microsoft Word 5.1 was released in 1992 and was the first version to be available for Mac users. Many still say this Word version was a better version than MS Word 6.0.
  • Apple Power Mac 6100

    Apple Power Mac 6100
    The Power Mac was Apple's first PC to incorporate the PowerPC, which was a chip that was developed by IBM, Motorola and Apple. This chip was developed to lower power usage.
  • Radius (Macintosh Clone)

    Radius (Macintosh Clone)
    Apple allows other computer companies to clone its computer by announcing its licensing to Power Computing. The Macintosh operating system will later be licensed to Radius as it was the first company to bring it to the market. This was a short-lived affair for Macintosh as radius decided to pull the plug a year later.
  • iMac

    The iMac was released in May of 1998 and is often thought of as the product that saved Apple as a company. This computer made headlines due to its innovative design and set the standard for future products that Apple created. The ‘I’ in iMac stands for internet and it was the first ‘I’ product.