Bob bibibib

Computer History

  • the first computor

    the first computor
    More Info The first computor was made by a guy called charles Babbage. It was used by turning coggs to get the
  • remote control

    Remote control uses radio wave to control something this was important as computors use this to send messages
  • microchip invented

    The microchip is a series of tiny switches which make your computor or piece of technolgy faster
  • Internet invented

    Internet invented
    The internet was invented during the cold war there was no one inventor its purpose was to share information and resourses with whoever could acess it.
  • touch screen invented

    Touch screen was invented in 1965-1967 it was first introduced for airline technolgy <a href=''
  • Microsoft invented

    Microsoft invented
    more infoMicrosoft was foud by bill gates it is a computor company which now sells a computor tablet
  • The invention of Apple(computor)

    The invention of Apple(computor)
    Apple was found by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. Apple now makes touchsceen products but they started of with a simple standerd computor called the Apple 1
  • Email was invented

    Email was invented
    Email was invented by a 15 year old called Shiva Ayyadurai he was from india and was studying in a american school it was not later that email got developed and used in 1993
  • the first laptop

    The frst laptop was invented by the computor company dell in 1984 it was called a pc which stands for portable computor
  • memroy sticks

    Memory stick was invented by sony and is a stick that is easy to transport and can hold all your information
  • First online shopping site invented

    The firt online shopping website is called amazon it was created by a man called Jeff Bezos, Amazon allows you to buy things and get them mailed to your house
  • Skype invented

    Skype was the first phone call you could make through your computor and also it was the first website you could see other peoples faces on
  • Facebook invented

    Facebook is a social networking site which allows you to share whats going on and keep in touch with freinds and make new ones. It was invented in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg Eduardo Saverin , Chris Hughes,Andrew McCollum and Dustin Moskoviz.
  • Youtube invented

    Youtube was invented in 2005 by steve chen and chad hurly it is a website which allows everyone to see your videos like music or a important message
  • The iphone

    this was one of the first touchscreen technolgy and is related to internet as you can search and look on the internet with it