The refrigerator (fridge) was invented to keep food cold so that the food will not rot. -
The first car (automobile) was invented to transport people from one place to another without them having to walk, which saves a lot of time. -
The computer was first invented to replace humans in working, therefore avoiding human error. Nowadays, it is used for many purposes, such as entertainment, socializing, researching etc. -
The telephone is invented to communicate with people who are a long distance away from the user of the telephone. -
Air Conditioner
The air conditioner (AC) was invented to lower the air temperate of an indoor area. -
The television (TV) was invented to enable people to be able to watch programs that entertains or informs people. -
The microwave was invented to heat food up before consuming. -
Game Console
The game console was invented to entertain people. -
The smartphone originated from the telephone, but with more features apart from calling other people, such as entertainment, browsing the web, storing information etc.