The History of the Practicality of Computers

  • Jacquard Machine

    It was invented by Joseph Marie Jacquard. It was a machine that simplified the way complex textiles were woven. Earliest use of computation as a means to a solution.
  • Punched Card Machine

    Invented by Herman Hollerith. It was a machine that punched holes onto paper cards and was used to represent computer data and instructions. Another form of practical use of computing.
  • The ABC

    Invented by John Vincent Atanasoff. It was specially built to solve multiple systems of linear equations at the same time. It was able to solve up to twenty-nine equations. This further demonstrates the potential of computation and its uses.
  • Integrated Circuit

    Invented by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce. This integrated circuit would be considered the "building blocks" to computers and their software.
  • IBM Personal Computer

    It was invented by Philip Donald Estridge. While technically not the first PC, it did set the standards for many computing systems that still bleed into today's modern era.