Computer Advances 2000's

  • Xbox

    In 1998 Kevin Bachus, Seamus Blackley, Otto Berkes, and Ted Hase started to form their idea for a game console and pitched it to Bill Gates. The first Xbox was then released in November of 2001.
  • Blu-ray Disc

    Blu-ray Disc
    Shuji Nakamura worked with Sony and Pioneer to create Blu-ray discs which were higher definition discs. In 2003 the discs were released after making many prototypes since 2000.
  • Nintendo Wii

    Nintendo Wii
    In 2006, the first Nintendo Wii console was released. Shigeru Miyamoto invented the Wii and is very well known in the Nintendo Industry.
  • iPod Touch

    iPod Touch
    Apple created the iPod touch and released it in 2007, however Tony Fadell was the inventor of it and still deserves as much credit for it as Steve Jobs.
  • MacBook Air

    MacBook Air
    in 2008 Apple released the MacBook Air. Steve jobs introduced it to the world and was a main founder in the MacBook Air.