us history

  • Jamestown

    first permanent english settlement
  • 1st africans brought to america

  • House of burgesses

  • Proclamation of 1763

  • revolutionary war begins

  • Declaration of Independence

  • great awakening

    religious movement hat swept through Europe and the colonies in the mid 1700s. started in 1760
  • Constitution adopted

  • Jefferson president

  • Louisiana purchase

  • war of 1812

  • Missouri compromise

  • Tariff of 1832

  • Mexican war

    started in 1846 ended in 1848
  • Mexican war

    1846 through 1848
  • compromise of 1850

    entered california as free state and let other territories vote whether or not to have slaves
  • Kansa-nebraska act

    repealed missouri compromise
  • Lincoln Elected president

    southern states secede
  • Lincoln calls for federal troops

    after southern states secede
  • Homestead act

    gave free land to settlers in the west
  • Reconstruction ended

  • compromise of 1877

    ended reconstruction
  • compromise of 1877

    ended reconstruction
  • chinese exclusion act of 1882

  • immigration restriction act of 1921

  • Black Tuesday

    stock market crashes
  • Tariff act of 1930

    a.k.a Hawley-smoot tariff