Nilsson, M., y Å. Persson.
Framework for Analysing Environmental Policy Integration -
Lijphart, A.
Constitutional design for divided societies.» Journal of Democracy 15, n.o 2 -
Cashmore, M.
The role of science in environmental impact assessment: Process and procedure versus purpose in the development of theory -
Knill, C.
Introduction: Cross-national policy convergence: Concepts, approaches and explanatory factors.» -
Holzinger, K., y C. Knill.
Causes and conditions of cross-national policy convergence. -
Golder, M.
Democratic electoral systems around the world, 1946-2000.» Electoral Studies 24, n. -
Colomer, J.M
It’s parties that choose electoral systems (or, Duverger’s Laws upside down). -
Lewis, J.B., y D.A. Linzer.
Estimating regression models in which the dependent variable is based on estimates. -
Brady, D., J. Beckfield, y M. Seeleib-Kaiser.
Economic globalization and the welfare state in affluent democracies, 1975-2001. -
Powell, R.
War as a commitment problem -
Dourish, P., y K. Anderson.
Collective information practice: Exploring privacy and security as social and cultural phenomena -
Starke, P.
The politics of welfare state retrenchment: A literature -
Sneddon, C., R.B. Howarth, y R.B. Norgaard.
Sustainable development in a post-Brundtland world -
Tolbert, C.J., y K. Mossberger.
The effects of E-government on trust and confidence in government -
Lust-Okar, E.
Elections under authoritarianism: Preliminary lessons from Jordan -
Albrechts, L.
Shifts in strategic spatial planning? Some evidence from Europe and -
Lindén, A.-L., A. Carlsson-Kanyama, y B. Eriksson
Efficient and inefficient aspects of residential energy behaviour: What are the policy instruments for change? -
Simmons, B.A., F. Dobbin, y G. Garrett.
Introduction: The international diffusion of liberalism -
Hezri, A.A., y S.R. Dovers.
Sustainability indicators, policy and governance: Issues for ecological economics -
Petrova, T., y S. Tarrow.
Transactional and participatory activism in the emerging European polity: The puzzle of East-Central Europe -
Gschwend, T.
Ticket-splitting and strategic voting under mixed electoral rules: Evidence from Germany -
Coen, D
Empirical and theoretical studies in EU lobbying -
May, C.R., F.S. Mair, C.F. Dowrick, y T.L. Finch
Process evaluation for complex interventions in primary care: Understanding trials using the normalization process model -
Busby, J.W.
Bono Made Jesse Helms Cry: Jubilee 2000, debt relief, and moral action in international politics -
Edwards, T., T. Colling, y A. Ferner
Conceptual approaches to the transfer of employment practices in multinational companies: An integrated approach -
Eising, R.
Institutional context, organizational resources and strategic choices: Explaining interest group access in the European Union -
Wolbrecht, C., y D.E. Campbell.
Leading by example: female members of parliament as political role models -
Mitlin, D., S. Hickey, y A. Bebbington
Reclaiming Development? NGOs and the Challenge of Alternatives -
Mutz, D.C
Effects of "in-your-face" television discourse on perceptions of a legitimate opposition -
Licht, A.N., C. Goldschmidt, y S.H. Schwartz.
Culture rules: The foundations of the rule of law and other norms of governance -
Party systems in the making: The emergence and success of new parties in new democracies -
Weeks, J.L
Autocratic audience costs: Regime type and signaling resolve -
Jingjing, H., M. Nelson, y J.D. Stephens.
Decommodification and activation in social democratic policy: Resolving the paradox -
Dreher, A., J.-E. Sturm, y H.W. Ursprung.
The impact of globalization on the composition of government expenditures: Evidence from panel data -
Van de Walle, S., S. Van Roosbroek, y G. Bouckaert.
Trust in the public sector: Is there any evidence for a long-term decline -
Citrin, J., y J. Sides.
Immigration and the imagined community in Europe and the United -
Coen, D., y M. Thatcher.
Network governance and multi-level delegation: European networks of regulatory agencies -
Huber, E., T. Mustillo, y J.D. Stephens.
Politics and social spending in Latin America -
Wright, J.
Do authoritarian institutions constrain? How legislatures affect economic growth and investment -
Jensen, C
Worlds of welfare services and transfers -
Ambrosio, T.
Catching the 'Shanghai Spirit': How the shanghai cooperation organization promotes authoritarian norms in Central Asia -
Birch, S.
Electoral institutions and popular confidence in electoral processes: A cross-national analysis -
Hainmueller, J., y H.L. Kern.
Incumbency as a source of spillover effects in mixed electoral systems: Evidence from a regression-discontinuity design -
Tavits, M
On the linkage between electoral volatility and party system instability in Central and Eastern Europe -
Cashmore, M., A. Bond, y D. Cobb
The role and functioning of environmental assessment: Theoretical reflections upon an empirical investigation of causation -
Justesen, M.K.
The effect of economic freedom on growth revisited: New evidence on causality from a panel of countries 1970-1999 -
Starke, P., H. Obinger, y F.G. Castles. «
Convergence towards where: In what ways, if any, are welfare states becoming more similar? -
Shipan, C.R., y C. Volden.
The mechanisms of policy diffusion -
Salter, M.B.
Securitization and desecuritization: A dramaturgical analysis of the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority -
Hobolt, S.B., y R. Klemmensen.
Government responsiveness and political competition in comparative perspective