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Communist China (1949-1976)

  • Start Of Republic Of China

  • Agrarian Reform Law

    Land of the wealthy is redistributed to the peasants.
  • Mao Population Policy

    Mao encourages Chinese citizens to have as many children as they can and even banned the use and import of contraceptives.
  • Start Of Five-Year Plans

    Plans are series of social and economic development initiatives.
  • People's Communes

    Land is collectivized and farmers have people's communes.
  • Great Leap Forward

    Social and economic campaign launched by the Communist party of China. Farms sent away from farming to the production of iron and steel.
  • Great Chinese Famine

    Mao introduced changes in farming policy which didn't allow farm ownership. Social pressure on citizens caused economic mismanagement.
  • Cultural Revolution

    Cultural Revolution-two hundred million people suffered famine, economy had been crippled, twenty million people sent to the countryside. stop in agriculture and industry
  • Mao Zedong's Death

    "Gang Of Four" tries to get into power