
  • Communist Manifesto

    Communist Manifesto
    In the late 19th century, German philosopher Karl Marx publishes the Communist Manifesto, and many become aware of the Marxist theory
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    Communism came to power first in Russia, during the Russian revolution of 1917
  • Bolsheviks Assassinate the Tsar

    Bolsheviks Assassinate the Tsar
    The Bolsheviks grew in power and assassinated the Tsar and his family, as well as others that opposed the views of the Bolsheviks.
  • Lenin begins Communist international

    Lenin begins Communist international
    Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin began the Communist International (known as the Comintern) to coordinate communist revolutions across the world
  • League of the Godless is formed

    League of the Godless is formed
    The party organised the League of the Godless to harass and persecute churchgoers, as they believed Religion was unnecessary in the communist rule
  • Joseph Stalin seizes control of the Communist Party

    Joseph Stalin seizes control of the Communist Party
    Religious freedom became even more limited. Stalin’s Five Year Plan (1928–33) was to wipe out all landowners, turn private farms into communal operations and industrialise society.
  • Law on Religious Associations was proclaimed

    Law on Religious Associations was proclaimed
    People were allowed to worship in the few churches that remained and congregations had to register with the government. People were not allowed to be instructed in the faith nor could they gather for prayer or discussion.