Brown vs board of education.
The supreme court had ruled that separate schools and everything else was legal according to america's Constitution This was challenged by NAACP and others Thurgood Marshall was their head leader. He said the Constitution provides equal protecting for all of america's citizens. The Supreme Court said this time that “separate but equal” was not allowed in America’s school. They ruled unanimously which means every judge agreed. This was a huge victory. -
Communism page 1
There was a big movement in the 1950s, communism. Communism is when everyone works together to benefit together. Everyone contributes and everyone receives what they need. Its actually similar in ways to what the church is supposed to be like, having everything in common so no one has need. What is wrong with communism then? Well communist governments aren't run by spirit filled Christians who love others more then themselves, its run by greedy people who end up............. -
communism page 2
Its run by greedy people who end up forcing everyone to work for their own benefit. It shows that the people usually end up poorer, starving or killed by their governments!