
  • prior to 20th century

    prior to 20th century
    Prior to 20th century people communicated by writing what they wanted on walls in their language, The roman empire started to comunicate by sigaling mesages through mirrors reflecting through the sun. They communicated by flying flags and fireing fire balls. In 1843 the first long distance telegraph was invented .In the late 1800s they started to communicate by electric tellegraphs and the direct dial telephone. Also there was an electric telephone invented.
  • 20th century

    20th century
    In the 20th century The first radio and television came out which was a major way to communicate.1963 The first communications sattellite was launched.computers were invented. 1963 The worlds firdt automatic moblie phone was put into operation. 1965 the first email was sent. Smaller mobile phones came out so they were easier to handle. 1992 the first sms was sent. 1994 the first internet radio broadcasting was born.
  • 21st century

    21st century
    Apple introduced itunes and app store, my space came out, in 2004 Facebook was launched which was soon to become the largest social networking site in the world. 2005 Youtube was launched. 2006 Twitter was launched and so was microblogging . Just after that facetime was introduced, instagram etc.