
  • 301

    First Handwritten Documents

    The first recorded handwritten documents.
  • Jan 1, 1150

    Pigeon Post

    Pigeon Post
    Domesticated pigeons are first developed in ancient Egypt.
  • Newspapers

    Newspapers begin to be produced as people are egaer for news during the beginning of the Thirty Year War.
  • Optical signals.

    With the invention of the telescpoe comes the ability to send messages from ship to land through which flags they sail .
  • Mail Coaches.

    The first mail coach runs to London from Bristol in 1784.
  • Morse Code Invented

    Samuel Morse invents the Morse code during 1836
  • Paper

    Charles Fenerty invents the first paper made from wood pulp instead of the then common rag paper.
  • The First Telephone

    The First Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell patented the first voice transmitting device.
  • Phonograph

    Invented by Thomas Edison during 1877. Made for recording and reproducing sound.
  • Television

  • First Text Sent

    British engineer Neil Papworth used his computer to wish a "Merry Christmas" to Richard Jarvis, on his Orbitel 901 mobile phone.
  • You've got E-mail

    The first email networks like ISP (Internet Sevice Provider) , started up during 1993