32,000 BCE
Paleolithic cave art
These paintings show us what people were doing in this point in time. It lets us know what they ate, how they hunted, and what tools they used. They used them to tell stories and keep records. -
3200 BCE
One of the oldest writing systems. Used for keeping records and for communication. Spread across many regions and became widely used for a very long time. It was very useful for keeping track of how much a harvest was. -
3200 BCE
Usually used for inscribing on monuments and structures. Also used for religious purposes and scribes. Eventually hyeroglyphics evolved to be more practical and easy to write, making it useful for record keeping. -
500 BCE
written manuscripts
Usually produced on parchment or other paper. Known for being long and having a considerable amount of information. Used up until the 19th century until better ways were developed. -
printing press
Johannes gutenberg made his version of the printing press in 1436. It was the first iteration since the chinese begun printing with moving metal in the 5th century. Gutenberg is credited with inventing the printing press even though it had existed years prior. -
Invented by samuel morse in 1832. Revolutionary for communication and very efficient. Effective way of getting messages across quickly. Presented his invention to the U.S government. -
Invented by charles babbage. Very efficient way of working and making books. Charles Babbage was named the father of computers. Would evolve to be the best way to gain information. -
First two way long distance communication. Patented by alexander graham bell. Invented by Antonio Meucci, Bell is often credited with inventing the telephone. -
Guglielmo Marconi did the first long distance radio communication. It was sent over a kilometer through morse code. He also made a transatlantic signal as well. -
No single inventor, but the work of many people over years. Interupted in the second world war. Picks up terrestrial radio signals from satelites. Very efficient way of getting messages across. -
Ai greatly infuences how humans think. We can use it for auto generated ideas and short cuts we cant even imagine. Its affected how we store information since 1957, along with how we use it unlocks its full potential. Chat gpt is the smartest ai and you can make it create an entire essay for you, it is the greatest invention for information since the internet. -
gaming systems
The very first thing you could game on was the Magnavox odyssey, invented by Ralph H. Baer. It was also the first you could use on a television screen. Later on the atari was released which had more games and more things to do in them. These would eventually fall out of favor when the xbox and playstation would dominate the later gaming era. -
In 1969 Arpanet was created and would be the basis for the internet. The internet is the world wide web and has all the information you could ever want. With google being created you have infinite answers for anything you want.