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Communication Timeline

  • Light Lamps

    Light Lamps-Before the more advanced communication light lamps were also used as signals. This can be seen during the American revolutions and wars.
  • Horses

    Horses- Horses allowed us to have a faster way of traveling. This way of transportation allowed us to deliver letters and messages to people. Short and long distances
  • Letters

    Letters- Until the more advanced types of communicating such as the telegraph and such, we used letters to write and hold information to be sent to people.
  • Pigeons

    Pigeons- Pigeons were used as messengers to communicate. They carried the letters written to the recipients.
  • The Battery

    The battery- The battery powered telegraphs in order for them to function and be able to send the messages to the people who needed to be reached
  • Bon Fires

    Bon Fires- Fires were also used as signals back then. They were much alike lamp signaling.
  • Smoke signals

    Smoke signals -Smoke signals were also a way of communicating. They were a part of bon fire signals.
  • Couriers

    Couriers- Couriers were also another carrier for messages. They took letters and delivered by walking or riding horses.
  • Newspaper

    Newspaper-Newspapers were a very big way of communicating. They allowed to spread lots of news to lots of people in one place such as a town.
  • Filming

    Film- Film with a camera was a very new and big way of communicating. It was a way similar to photographs but much more impactful.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    This was the purchase of lots of land in North America
  • Writing pens

    Pens-With pens in hand and available, it allowed up to write letters and messages to other people
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The war of 1812 was a war between the United States and the United Kingdom
  • Braille

    Braille- Braille was brought up and created for people who had disabilities. This allowed people to communicate and teach people with cases such as his.
  • Photographs

    Photograph- Photographs are also a way of communications. Pictures can be a strong form of communicating.
  • The trail of tears

    The trail of tears
    This was the forced relocation of many of native Americans
  • Texas Revolution

    Texas Revolution
    This was the Revolution that occurred within Texas in the North American colonies
  • Telegraph

    Telegraph - this was one of the first types of new age communication. It was a first step towards telephone like communication.
  • Magazine

    Magazine-Magazine were also a new form of spreading news and messages. They were much alike newspapers.
  • Mexican American War

    Mexican American War
    This was the war between the Mexicans and Americans
  • Pony Express

    Pony Express
    Pony Express- This was a first type of mail delivery. This system delivered mail to people in the towns.
  • Typewriter

    Typewriter -It allowed you to type on paper and have a more formally written letter and paper. It was one of the first versions of a keyboard that typed onto paper right in front of you
  • Telephone

    Telephone- The telephone being invented brought a whole new way to communicate with other people whenever needed even in far distances
  • Radio

    Radio- The radio was another big way of communication. This allowed us to spread news in a mass wave
  • Microphone

    Microphones- Microphones allowed people to speak to a mass amount of people at one time such as a speech and a crowd.