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Communication Time Line

By Carsyn
  • 12,000 BCE

    Paleolithic Cave Art

    Paleolithic Cave Art
    Paintings on the walls of caves that usually had a meaning and can be interpreted. They would mix pigments and natural binders to make the paint.
  • 3500 BCE


    Ancient writing, done on stone or clay tablets. They would use wedges to imprint the shapes.
  • 3100 BCE

    Egyptian Hieroglyphics

    Egyptian Hieroglyphics
    Ancient Egyptian language, read vertically. Usually written on papyrus or carved into walls.
  • Period: 5 BCE to 33

    Jesus (for reference)

    The lord and savior lived after cuneiform, but before the popular and beloved by many Super Mario Bros.
  • 1100

    Illuminated Manuscript

    Illuminated Manuscript
    Hand written book, whose pages are often "illuminated" by designs. Usually written using a feather and ink on animal pelt.
  • 1438

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    Used for mass production of anything to do with words. Used a big machine that would print every letter on a page all at once, to reduce the amount of time spent writing.
  • Telegraph

    An instrument used for long distance communication, used morse code that was sent through a wire strung between both points.
  • Telephone

    Transmits and receives voices for fast convenient communication. Has to have wire set up before use just like the Telegraph
  • Computers

    The mechanical computer was made to solve simple calculations. Took 40 years to make. Used to manipulate and understand data.
  • Radio

    Used to intercept transitions long range, with no need for a wire. Often used for news, music, or simple communication.
  • Television

    Allows the viewer to watch shows and receive news (and shows) quickly and conveniently. Staple of American homes for many years.
  • Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial Intelligence
    While AI was technically invented in the 50's, it was nothing like it is now. Back then, it was mostly something that you just entered questions into and it would answer, now you are able to have actual conversations with them and it is often seamless.
  • Gaming System

    Gaming System
    Magnavox Odyssey was the first gaming system. Games are most notably, Table Tennis, Submarine, and Analog.
  • Internet

    When it was invented, it was usually used for study. Now it can be used for all sorts of things, including, studying, gaming, work, storefronts, etc.