Communication over Technology

By jt24115
  • Morse Code

    Morse Code
    This was when Samuel F.B. Morse invented the code. But in 1941, the first telegraph was made.
  • The First Call is Made

    The First Call is Made
    The first ever the telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
    The first ever call was to his assistant, Thomas Watson, and it said, "Mr. Watson--come here--I want to see you."
  • First Around the World Telephone Call

    First Around the World Telephone Call
    This is made using radio and cable. Now we are able to get information around fast.
  • First FM radio

    The first radio was set up in a Hartford police station. This was a huge advancement in security so news could get around fast.
  • Telephone Cable in the English Channel

    This helped people be able to communicate from farther away. It also moved telephone cables out of the way.
  • The Telstar is Launched

    The Telstar is Launched
    A satellite launched by NASA. Helped messages to be sent without wires between computers.
  • Post Office Tower

    Post Office Tower
    The post office tower was built in London to handle the increasing phone calls. This was when calling became very popular.
  • The First Email

    The First Email
    Sent by Ray Tomlinson. Emails get information around quicker.
  • The World Wide Web is invented

    The World Wide Web is invented
    Invented by Tim Burners-Lee. This was the beginning of what the internet is today!
  • The First Text Sent

    Sent by engineer Neil Papworth and said "merry Christmas". Now this is one of the most popular forms of communication.