Verbal Communication
Spoken Words that is said by one person and recieved by another and replies. Verbal means spoken and Communication is words and stuff. So Verbal communication is spoken word. http://www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/LifeSciences17.html -
A symbolic way to communicate. Using pictures and symbols. Like Bulls and snakes. http://www.pinyin.info/readings/texts/ideographic_myth.html -
Charles Babbage invents the first "computer". -
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. The Telephone is one of the best inventions not just for communication but for any invention out there. The Telephone will forever need to be used. http://inventors.about.com/od/bstartinventors/a/telephone.htm -
A group of computer scientists thought of the idea to have a one source device to get all type of information. and They Did and it's now called the World Wide Web. http://www.history.com/topics/inventions/invention-of-the-internet -
Asians wanted to see each other around the world through their computers so they came up with Skype. It was created by Estonians Ahti Heinla, Priit Kasesalu, and Jaan Tallinn. http://www.google.com/search?q=The+concept+of+ideographic+writing+is+a+most+seductive+notion.+There+is+great+appeal+in+the+concept+of+written+symbols+conveying+their+message+directly+to+our+minds%2C+thus+bypassing+the+restrictive+intermediary+of+speech.&oq=The+concept+of+ideographic+writing+is+a+most+seductive+notion.+The -
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCcQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FEnglish_alphabet&ei=dtk7VKfALYfg8gGZgYGQBg&usg=AFQjCNEuv1G9sPTB6y_P5J4x0g_QgG7lJQ&bvm=bv.77161500,d.b2USome Norman Scribes revised the alphabet from the Romans and changed it a little to turn it into the English Alphabet.