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Communication in history

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    Cave Drawings

    Cave Drawings
    In 30,000 bc cave drawings were invented. The oldest cave drawings found are at least 40,000 years old. Cave drawings are drawings on the cave walls. Most of them were morals of battles, hunts, and culture.
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    First bound book

    First bound book
    Now with books reading would be easier and written print would last longer. Mass printing of modern books began a almost 560 years ago. They were the first mass medium.
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    The Phoenician alphabet was the first alphabet created, estimated 1850 and 1700 B.C. It was a early writting system that used pictographic symbols known as hieroglyphics. It was produced by pressing a stylus into soft clay.
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    Romans establish postal services

    Romans establish postal services
    The Romans having discovered postal services mailing and dilivering became possible in the yearf 114 a.d. It was maintained with horses and carriages stationed along the roads. They travelled 50 miles a day and much faster if it was an emergency.
  • Jan 1, 1450

    Printing press

    Printing press
    Created by Johanh Guteburgn in 1450. It tranfered ink to a sheet of paper to create an image. It was an easier way to make hundredths or thousands of pictures or new papers also faster.
  • Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone on March 10, 1876. Bells assistant, Thomas Watson, distinctly heard Bell say the first spoken sentence ever transmitted through electricity on March 10, 1876.
  • Internet

    A global computer network emerged providing a variety of info. The internet doesn't have a single inventor. It has just evoloved over time. The Internet got its start in the United States more than 50 years ago as a government weapon in the Cold War. Scientists and researchers used it to communicate and share data with one another. Today, we use the inertent for almost everything and for many people it would be impossible to life without it.
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  • Skype

    Founded in 2003. Skype is a software that allows you to call people on their computers or phones. You can skype anyone across the world, video and voice calls.