Embossed type face invented.
http://www.localhistories.org/communications.html Louis Braille invented a embossed typeface for the blind. Embossed typeface helps the blind read by touching the letters. Thats how the blind read, -
The Telegraph was invented.
http://www.history.com/topics/inventions/telegraphIt made messages from long distances to be sent in mere minutes. Samuel Morse developed the telegraph it worked by transmitting electrical signals by a wire which was laid between stations. This was a really good device to use in the 1800's. -
The first fax machine was invented.
http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/fax.htm Alexander Bain invented the fax machine in 1843. The fax machine is used to transmit images by telephone lines. The fax machine was invented a couple years after the telegraph was invented. -
Telephone was invented.
With the telephone you can talk oraly to people miles away. Alexander Graham Bell was the first to patent telephone in 1876. Alexander Bell and Elisha Gray raced to invent the telephone, -
The Edison Mimeograph
https://blogs.princeton.edu/graphicarts/2009/11/the_edison_mimeograph.html In 1876, Thomas A. Edison This device is also known as a stencil duplicator. Mimeographs were used to print classroom materials, -
The invention of the Internet.
http://www.internetsociety.org/internet/what-internet/history-internet/brief-history-internet The internet has revolutionized the world of communications like never before. The internet is a mechanism for information. The government invented the internet. -
The Alphabet
http://www.ancient.eu/alphabet/ The history of the alphabet started in Egypt, By 2700 BCE Egypitians had 22 symbols. These symbols were developed by Semitic people,