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Communication Evolvement Over The Years

  • Abraham Lincoln 16th President

    Abraham Lincoln 16th President
    President AbrahamAbraham Lincoln is voted into office as the sixteeth President. He is the first President of the Republican party to represent a party that opposes slavery in the U.S.. This will shift and divide organizations as some people will be against slaves while others will be supportive of it. Organizations will form in sole purpose to fight against slavery while other organization will form to fight for it.
  • Confederate States of America

    Confederate States of America
    Confederate States of America Southern states that seceded from Union will join together to create the Confederate States of America. This gives them power as they join forces together. The U.S. is now officially divided as the Union and the Confederacy. Tensions will rise which will later lead to the beginning of the Civil War.
  • 14th Amendment of U.S. Constitution

    14th Amendment of U.S. Constitution
    14th AmendmentThe 14th Amendment of the Constitution is passed which grants citizenship to all people who were born or naturalized in the U.S.. However, citizens and voters are still considered exclusively male. The amendement includes former slaves that were recently freed. The amendment also includes that no person will be denied life, liberty or property without due process of law. This could effect organizations in the fact that now everyone who is a person of these conditions is now a U.S. citizen.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    15th Amendment The 15th Amendment of the Constitution is passed. This will grant African American men the right to vote. This was just one more step towards the equality of rights between blacks and whites. Some organizations are still fighting for this today. A turn in the country was now being noticed as more rulings come out of Congress which grant African Americans more rights.
  • U.S. Transcontinental Rail Route

    U.S. Transcontinental Rail Route
    Transcontinental Railroad The first Transcontinental rail route in the U.S. is completed. This means faster transporation for trade and travel, as well as for communication. Organizations could now recieve goods and materials faster as well as tfaster travel from location to location. The railroad is still used widely all over the world today. It has provided many jobs too.
  • Sholes & Glidden Type Writer

    Sholes & Glidden Type Writer
    The Typewriter The production of this type writer began production in 1873 and in 1874 the Sholes & Glidden Type Writer hit the American market. This type writer had the same kind of keyboard that is known around the world today on type writers. The type writer made communication much easier, faster and neater in the workplace.
  • The First Telephone Call

    The First Telephone Call
    The Telephone Alexander Graham Bell invented the "electrical speech machine", also known today as the telephone. The first words that traveled through phone were spoken between Mr. Bell and his assistant on March 12, 1876. They were "Mr. Watson, come here. I want you." This invention changed the way organizations would function for forever. Organizations could now send messages over the phone to employees, clients, and other bussiness. Phones are now used significantly all over the world by organizations.

    NAWSA The NAWSA was formed when the National Woman Suffrage Association and the American Woman Suffrage Association joined together in the fight towards woman's right to vote. This organization believed that by getting support from each individual state, eventually the federal goverment would in turn grant woman the right to vote. Woman are now able to vote and hold very powerful positions in organizations in the U.S..
  • Plessey vs. Ferguson

    Plessey vs. Ferguson
    Plessey Vs. Ferguson This Supreme Court cases allows segregation to exist as long as facilities are "seperate, but equal". This means that businesses and organization will be able to seperate blacks and whites, but must offer the same equal bussiness for both. This shows that the Supreme court is now considering the treatment of black people in their rullings. This is one step closer to equality in organizations.
  • The Wright Brothers

    The Wright Brothers
    Wright Brothers Aircraft The Wright Brothers began to test out their manned gliders at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. These testings will later lead to the first powered airplane. This invention will stun the nation and will make the impossible seem possible. It also will be a huge impact on the military. Airplanes will be used for battle and job openings will open for pilots.