
  • 100

    Bound Books

    Bound Books
    The first bound books were created and used.
  • 100

    Messengers come in

    Messengers come in
    Messengers came in by foot or on horse most commonly used in Egypt and China with messenger relay stations build.
  • 105

    Tsai Lun

    Tsai Lun
    Tsai Lun of China invents paper as we know it.
  • 305

    First Printed Presses

    First Printed Presses
    First wooden printing presses invented in China - symbols carved on a wooden block.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1000 to


  • Jan 1, 1049

    First Mobable type

    First movable type invented - clay - invented in China by Pi Sheng.
  • Jan 1, 1450

    Newspapers appear in Europe

    Newspapers appear in Europe
    Newspapers appear in Europe
  • Jan 1, 1455

    Johannes Gutenberg

    Johannes Gutenberg
    Johannes Gutenberg invents a printing press with metal movable type.
  • Claude Chappe

    Claude Chappe
    Claude Chappe invents the first long-distance semaphore (visual or optical) telegraph line.
  • Joseph Henry

    Joseph Henry invents the first electric telegraph.
  • Samuel Morse

    Samuel Morse
    Samuel Morse invents the first long distance electric telegraph line.
    Alexander Bain patents the first fax machine.
  • Pony Express

    The United States starts the pony express for mail delivery
  • American,

    American, Sholes the first successful and modern typewriter.
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    Thomas Edison patents the mimeograph - an office copying machine.
    Alexander Graham Bell patents the electric telephone.
    Melvyl Dewey writes the Dewey Decimal System for ordering library books.
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    Thomas Edison patents the phonograph - with a wax cylinder as recording medium.
    Eadweard Muybridge invents high speed photography - creating first moving pictures that captured motion.
  • Emilie Berliner

    Emilie Berliner
    Emile Berliner invents the gramophone - a system of recording which could be used over and over again.
  • George Eastman

    George Eastman
    George Eastman patents Kodak roll film camera.
  • Almon Strowgert

    Almon Strowger patents the direct dial telephone or automatic telephone exchange.
  • Guglielmo Marconi

    Guglielmo Marconi improves wireless telegraphy.
  • Romans

    Romans establish postal services.
  • Heliographs

    Heliographs - first recorded use of mirrors to send messages by Roman Emperor Tiberius.