
  • 776 BCE

    First Messenger Pigeon

    First Messenger Pigeon
    The Greeks had the first messenger pigeon deliver results of the first Olympiad.
  • 550 BCE

    First Postal Service

    First Postal Service
    The first legitimate postal service likely originated in ancient Persia around 550 BC. However, historians feel that in some ways it wasn’t a true postal service because it was used primarily for intelligence gathering.
  • 530 BCE

    First Library

    First Library
    The Greeks established the first library.
  • 200 BCE

    Human Messengers

    Human Messengers
    Human messengers on foot or horseback common in Egypt and China with messenger relay stations were built.
  • 14

    First Postal System In The Western World

    First Postal System In The Western World
    Romans established the first postal service in the western world. While it’s considered to be the first well-documented mail delivery system, others in India, China had already long been in place
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    Chinese Create Paper

    Chinese Create Paper
    The Chinese were the first to invent paper and papermaking.
  • 1450

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    Johannes Gutenberg developed the printing press. This was a practical system for printing books in a way that was efficient.
  • Newspaper

    Johann Carolus printed the world's first newspaper.
  • Electric Telegraph Created

    Electric Telegraph Created
    Joseph Henry and Edward Davey demonstrated electromagnetic relay. A weak electrical signal was amplified and transmitted across a long distance. People could now send messages in seconds, which could have taken days before.
  • Speaking Telegraph

    Speaking Telegraph
    Innocenzo Manzetti began exploring the concept of a "speaking telegraph."
  • Improvements in Telegraphy

    Alexander Graham Bell was granted the patent for "Improvements in Telegraphy". This laid out the underlying technology for electromagnetic telephones.
  • Answering Machine

    Answering Machine
    Valdemar Poulsen creates the answering machine.