Jan 1, 1445
The printing press
Evented by Gutenburg and change lives of many Europeans which eventually lead to chaging the world. The printing press allowed books to be printed alot faster and required less work, which allowed books to be cheaper so more people were able to get reading material. Later lead to the printing of music. -
The first patent was actually in 1829 by William Burt, but the first typewriter appeared in 1843 by Charles Thurber. Thubers typewritter though was to slow. Letham Sholes later on studyhis model and made the more recent model in 1873. -
Origin of the telephone
Patten Office was awarded Alexander Bell patent rights for the telephone. But It was later discovered Alexander was not the inventor of it but just the first one to put a patten on it. It said that the first to develope the idea was an Italian immigrant named Antonio Meucci's. But wasnt able to put his patent on it, but in 2002 was later reconized as a developer of the telephone. -
The internet (todays global power)
J.C.R Licklider from MIT, popularized and the i idea of the internet, and shortly after scientist pursued his idea. They ended up developing "paket switching" a method of transmiting electronic data, later became huge building blocks of the internet. The first workable prototype was AIRPANET which was orginally funded by the U.S department of defense. -
Invention of Eletronic Mail
Ray Thompson is know to invent the email in late 1971. He was experamenting with a program called SNDMSG and saw that you could only leave messages on the computer that you were using for the other person using that computer to read. He chose the @ symbol to tell which user was "at" what computer. -
Skype had many developers and had more than 663 million users by 2010. Shortly after it was purchesed by microsoft. It is used to communicate all over the world for free using voice and camera. -
Developement of the English Language
English first began at place called Ebsfleet on Pegwell Bay, near Ramsgate in Kent. Although English was the same language back in A.D. 449 as it is now. That doesnt nescerely mean it was spoken the same it is now as it was back then. The Celtic language i said to be what led to English.