Invention of computer
http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000984.htmIn 1822 Charles Babbage invented the first automatic computing engine. The computer was able to compute multiple sets of numbers and make hard copies of the results. The computer revolutionized communication because now we could start relying on a machine to do work that previously man had to do. -
Invention of telegraph and morse code
http://www.history.com/topics/inventions/telegraphIn 1844 Samuel Morse invented the telegraph. He developed a code that assigned each letter of the alaphabet a sequence of dots and dashes, he named this morse code. Morse developed the telegraph that could send messages by morse code across telephone lines. -
Invention of typewriter
http://inventors.about.com/od/tstartinventions/a/Typewriters.htmIn 1866 Christopher Sholes invented the first pratical modern typewriter. After the invention of the first typewriter Sholes worked for many years trying to motify and improve his invention. The invention of the typewriter helped revolutionize communication because now writing could be done more efficiently. -
Invention of telephone
http://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/mysteries/telephone.htmlIn March of 1876 Alexander Ghram Bell was granted a patent for the telephone. Later he would face many years of legal battles to claim he was the sole inventor of the telephone. This would later become one of the longest legal battles, which Bell would later win. Bell said, "current of electricity vary in intensity precisely as the air varies in density during the production of sound, I should be able to transmit speech telegraphically.” -
Invention of skype
http://www.brighthub.com/office/collaboration/articles/6109.aspx Skype was invented in 2003 by Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis. Skype is an online communication program where you can see and talk with someone in real time. Skype has helped revolution technology, it was the first program that had a live video chat that multimle could talk at oce. -
Invntion of internet
http://www.computerhistory.org/internet_history/The internet was invented int the 1960's, durring the civil war. Scientists and military experts were worried about the Soviet's attacking and destroying the telephone sytem, so they started woking on something that would be able to share information without having to use telephone lines to transmit the data.The internet has revolutionized modern communication, without it we would not be as advanced in technology or science. -
Invention of printing press
http://historyguide.org/intellect/press.htmlThe first printing press was made in 868 C.E. in China by johannes Gutenberg. The first book printed on the printing press is known as the 'Diamond Sutra." The printing press changed the world of printing because now books and other documents could now be produced with a higher quality and production was faster.