
Communication Advances

  • Telephone Invention

    Telephone Invention
    Scoelles Telephone The telephone was created for people to communicate. Before the telephone was invented people used letters, drum beats, and smoke signals to reach people.
  • Radio Broadcasting

    Radio Broadcasting
    <ahref='http://www.worldbookonline.com/student/article?id=ar457240&st=communication in 1920&sc=1' >World Book Online</a> This invention caused a major change in people’s everyday live. For example it gave people public safety, industry, defense, and sometimes navigation.
  • The Transistor

    The Transistor
    City Sale<a href='http://citysaleandexchangef le</a> The use of the telephones exploded when the transistor was invented. 30 million people had phones by the end of the decade; in the same year advanced mobile phone service started wireless calls. Over 200 miles apart and then again in 1947 the first long range cell phone was built!
  • Top 40 A.M Dominates

    Top 40 A.M Dominates
    Historical RadioHistorical Radio Based on early work programmers like McClendor and Bill Drake, hundreds of A.M stations embraced a "top-40 time and temperature format. In every control room it seemed radios were playing 3 minute songs. This was reaching amazement for all!
  • Postal Service

    Postal Service
    Inventors The postal office department transformed into the United States Postal Service. The mission of the postal service remained the same, the government wanted to provide promt, be reliable, and effient services, to patrons in all areas and hall render Postal Services to all the communities.
  • First Generation Cell Phone

    First Generation Cell Phone
    Cell Phone Motor0la unveiled the first truly portable cellular phone to the world in 1983. This phone was called Motorola Dyna-TAC 8000x. The FCC then approved it to the USA. This phone took 15 years to come on the market at the cost of 100 million dollars!
  • Internet (e-mail)

    Internet (e-mail)
    Innovations in the 1990’s would include the most important communication advances. This was the emergence of the internet, e-mail let families’ stay in touch electronically, and encourages new connections. As people made new pen pals they could speak to people from far away countries, and from different cultures. This new idea was incredible!!
  • MOnkeywrench Radio

    MOnkeywrench Radio
    Monkeywrench Pearl Jam claimed the airwaves for 4-plus hours, playing live, spinning records, and presented social issues. Monkeywrench Radio was a wonderful companion for what most fans considered to be Pearl Jam’s most difficult yet triumphed year!
  • Touch Screen Phone

    Touch Screen Phone
    Hong Kiat The world’s first touch screen phone came out! It didn’t have advanced touchscreen technology like those today, but it was a huge introduction to promising technology!
  • Iphone 3G Speed

    Iphone 3G Speed
    <ahref='http://whttp://www.apple.com/webapps/utilities/3gspeededge3gwifispeedtest. ' >Apple Iphone</a> In 2007 the first IPhone came out!!! This IPhone provided an accurate measuring tool for your mobile and wireless internet connection speed.