Communication and technology

  • Movies and Television

    Movies and Television
    In 1923 Lee DeForest invents sound film. Later in 1925. John Logie Baird transmits the first television signal.
  • Color Television

    Color Television
    in 1940, CBS began experimental testing of color film. By february of 1941, NBC also made its first color television field test.
  • Satellite Sputnik

    Satellite Sputnik
    Sputnik 1 is launched into space, and data is transmited via regular phone circuits for the first time, eventually leading to global data networks
  • Cassette and Laser Disc

    Cassette and Laser Disc
    In 1962 Philips invents a compact cassette audio storage device. In 1961 Paul Gregg patents the analog optical disc an early form of the DVD
  • E-mail and Mobile Phones

    E-mail and Mobile Phones
    In 1971 electronic messages (E-mail) are first transmitted and received via computers. In 1973 the first mobile phone call is made from Manhattan to New Jersey
  • Camcorder

    in 1983 Sony invents a consumer camcorder. The Betamovie. The unit needed two hands and rested on the consumers shoulder
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    In 1991 the World Wide Web (WWW) is first lounched. At the time 376,000 computers were hosted on the internet.
  • Social Media

    Social Media
    Social Media bring together previous communication systems. Myspace, Skype, Facebook, and more social sharing platforms emerge.
  • Augmented Reality

    Augmented Reality
    In 2014 Google release Google Glass a wearable aumented reality. Later in 2016 The Oculus rift headset makes virtual reality available to the masses