1876, 29-year-old Alexander Graham Bell receives a patent for his revolutionary new invention–the telephone. -
Hubbard later became trustee of the Bell Telephone Company. ... was founder of the society, and organized the Aerial Experiment Association in 1907. -
A candlestick telephone is also often referred to as a desk stand, an upright, or a ... In the 1920s and 1930s -
Thomas Watson in 1926 Thomas Watson, assistant to Alexander Graham Bell, is shown here with a reproduction of the first telephone. -
The Bakelite telephone 1931. When Ericsson's Bakelite telephone was first distributed world-wide in the 1930s it was called the Swedish type of telephone -
The Communications Act of 1934 is a United States federal law, signed into law by ... It also transferred regulation of interstate telephone services -
Home arrow Milwaukee Public Library Historic Photo arrow Allis Chalmers Supercharger Plant Construction, February 2, 1942 Telephone Pole -
1956: Transoceanic Telephone Cables. Photo: Cable-laying ship. Today, international calling is routine, with a half-million transatlantic calls from the United ... -
The Princess telephone was introduced by the Bell System in 1959. It was a compact telephone designed for convenient use in the bedroom -
1964: Bell's Picturephone service dials up the world's first ... Only three cities had access to the futuristic telephone, so its reach was pretty ... -
1979 Decided: June 20, 1979. The telephone company, at police request, installed at its central offices a pen register to record the numbers ... -
In 2004, 559 people had to be treated by doctors after walking into a telephone pole while using their phones. In 2010, that number increased -
ecided February 25, 2009. Full case name, Pacific Bell Telephone Co., dba AT&T California, et al. v. linkLine Communications, Inc. -
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