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  • First Telegraph device

    First Telegraph device
    In 1832 Samuel F. B. Morse, assisted by Alfred Vail, conceived of the idea for an electromechanical telegraph, which he called the "Recording Telegraph". This invention of a telegraph slowly create the modern world because it enable people from different places to communicate easily. By 1860, telegraph wires stretch from the east coast of the United States west of the Mississippi River.
  • Prepaid Mail

    Prepaid Mail
    Rowland Hill introduces prepaid mail and the first postage stamps in 1840.The reforms introduced by Rowland Hill in the Victorian period changed the face of the British postal service for ever. He opened up what had been a complex and expensive system to a much wider public. This coincided with an increase in literacy and together with this, resulted in greatly increased communication. Before this prepaid mail and postage stamps the British postal system was highly comples and very expensive.
  • Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone in 1876. He may not have invented the telephone, but Alexander Graham Bell was the first to get a patent for it. Being able to speak to people over a telephone wire greatly changes the way the world communicates
  • Develops Phonograph

    Develops Phonograph
    Thomas Edison develops the phonograph in 1877.This cylinder phonograph was the first machine that could record and reproduce sound created a sensation and brought Edison international fame.He suggested other uses for the phonograph, such as: letter writing and dictation, phonographic books for blind people, a family record (recording family members in their own voices), music boxes and toys, clocks that announce the time, and a connection with the telephone so communications could be recorded.
  • Wireless Telegraph System

    Wireless Telegraph System
    Nikola Telsa invented the Wireless Telegraph System in 1893. Wireless Telegraphy by Tesla's System was used in Portugal in 1901 to communicate between New Jersey and the Portuguese Coast. The wireless telegraph, through electricity, instant communication was possible over long distances.