
By jdonlon
  • Samuel F. B Morse invented the telegraph

    Samuel  F. B Morse invented the telegraph
  • Christopher Sholes Invents the first typewriter

    Christopher Sholes Invents the first typewriter
  • United States starts the Pony Express for mail delivery.

    United States starts the Pony Express for mail delivery.
  • Thomas Edison Invents the mimeograph

    Thomas Edison Invents the mimeograph
  • George Eastman invented the first Kodak camera

    George Eastman invented the first Kodak camera
  • The first regular comic book was made

    The first regular comic book was made
  • John Logie Baird transmits the first experimental television signal.

    John Logie Baird transmits the first experimental television signal.
  • Computers are first sold commercially

    Computers are first sold commercially
  • The first Cell Phone was invented

    The first Cell Phone was invented
  • The first IPhone was made

    The first IPhone was made
  • Guglielmo Marconi made the first radio signal across the Atlantic Ocean.

    Guglielmo Marconi made the first radio signal across the Atlantic Ocean.