Common School Movement

  • First public high school opens in the US

    First public high school opens in the US
    Boston English
  • law in Massachusetts stating free public schools to all students

    Massachusetts passes a law making all grades of public school open to all pupils free of charge
  • Period: to

    5% of people became literate at great risk

    Most southern states had laws in effect forbidding teaching reading to people in slavery
  • The Alamo ended

    The Alamo ended
  • first superintendent was appointed

    Louisville, Kentucky
  • Horace Mann

    Horace Mann
    Horace Mann becomes head of the Massachusetts State Board of Education
  • First normal school created

    First normal school created
    Lexington, Massachusetts
  • Reform school opens in Massachusetts

    Westboro- children attend that did not want to go to public school. Begins the trend of "reform schools".
  • Continued use of Spanish guaranteed (also in education)

    Continued use of Spanish guaranteed (also in education)
    Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo was passed- giving citizenship rights to people living in U.S. southwest causing this:
  • Massachusetts passes first education law

    Law's goal is to influence "civilized" nature of children of poor immigrants to learn mature traits. This will better their working and help society overall.
  • The National Teachers Association is founded

    founded by 43 educators in Philadelphia
  • Native Americans not allowed to be taught in their native languages

    Congress makes this illegal to teach native languages