COMM 3120 - Social Media Disruptions

  • #IceBucketChallenge

    The origin of this movement started back in 2014 and can still be seen happening to this day. It was focused on individuals pouring a bucket of ice on their head and donating money to a charity of their choice. The hashtag was the method of nominating a friend after the user themselves performed the challenge. The tag was popular on Facebook/Twitter created a positive online community. The challenge itself allowed others to keep other members accountable as they waited for a response video.
  • Hands Up, Don't Shoot

    Hands Up, Don't Shoot
    Michael Brown, an 18 year old was shot by a police officer in 2014. Early 2015, the officer responsible for his death was found innocent. This caused citizens of Ferguson MO. to march in the streets in protest of the courts decision on a matter of race. The phrase, "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is associated to the brutality of African Americans from Caucasian police. Those who were unable to participate in the march were able to use the phrase to generate awareness via social platforms..
  • #MeToo Movement

    #MeToo Movement
    The phrase "Me Too" was a concept being used several years before in 2006 before the hashtag was attached to the front of it in 2017. The intent of this message was the same; to spotlight sexual assault victims and provide the necessary support resources. The use of the hashtag allowed victims to come forward via social media platforms such as Twitter to identify with other victims.
  • #TakeTheKnee

    Colin Kaepernick of the San Francisco 49ers chose to kneel down during the National Anthem while the rest of the stadium stood with their hands over their hearts. The motive behind this action was politically fueled by recent comments from President Trump and the oppression of minorities in the country. The hashtag #TakeTheKnee was created to support his bravery to (Ironically) stand for something despite the consequences. All of which supported the BlackLivesMatter Movement.
  • March For Our Lives

    March For Our Lives
    During a time of frequent school shootings in the United States; students took to the streets and internet to call for change. The tag, #MarchForOurLives was used on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to plan national "Walk Out Days" where all students would stand up and leave their classroom in protest. It gave primarily younger individuals a voice to share their concern for safety.