COMM 3120

  • 2016 Election

    2016 Election
    Donald Trump (Republican) vs. Hilary Clinton (Democrat) in one of the most polarizing, popular, and notorious political elections of our generation. Twitter and Facebook were the most involved but as we have seen from numerous documentaries and data, it appears as though Facebook takes the prize in the platform that had the most involvement
  • George Floyd and BLM

    George Floyd and BLM
    The murder of George Floyd in May of 2020 sparked the largest racial justice protests since the Civil War. As many as 21 million Americans attended the protests held in his honor. Both twitter and Instagram were influential in this social media disruption
  • 2020 Election

    2020 Election
    Furthering the divide between existing political parties, another election-amidst a Covid ridden world- drove conspiracy theories, family divides and fights across Twitter and some of Instagram.
  • Capitol Insurrection

    Capitol Insurrection
    Following the loss of DJT, far right protestors took to twitter to express their anger and frustration. On January 6, 2021 his [DJT] supporters stormed the capitol building and a major uptick - both pro and against - arrived on twitter.
  • COVID-19

    The Coronavirus was definitely a disruption throughout the last 5 years. However, the vaccine that rolled out earlier this year not only polarized the political sides further, it gave fire to the Anti-vax arguments that have percolated over the course of the last two decades. The vaccine has been associated with mask mandates, vaccine cards, laws throughout the states, among other things.