Count monte cristo alexandre dumas book cover art


By Anjala
  • The beginning

    Mercedes is in love with Dantes. She claims that "[she] love[s] Edmond Dantes....and none other shall ge [her] husband" (Dumas 15).
  • Bethrotal feast

    Mercedes is to marry Edmond. Both of them were so happy that "they only had eyes for each other, and for the beautiful sky whence they hoped would come a blessing on their union" (Dumas 22). Unfortunately, Edmond was arrested due to false accusation by Danglars, Fernand, and Caderousse. Mercedes was devastated and cried for Edmond. She tried to help his father who was alos devastated, but he died of starvation. She believed Edmond was dead and marries Fernand.
  • Her encounter with The COMC

    After 14 years, Mercedes encounters Edmond, disguised as the COMC. When she sees him she was "pale and motionless" (Dumas 238) because she knows it is Edmond. She disappears for a while because she is ashamed of giving up on him in the past and she still loves him.
  • Trying to make peace

    There is a ball at which everyone attends. Edmond will not eat and Mercedes dislikes this fact. She convinces her son Albert to "persuade him to take something" (Dumas 342) but he refuses. They take a walk and she offers him "french grapes, (Dumas 344) and a "peach" (Dumas 344). Edmond refuses both ad this upsets Mercedes because this was a sign of friendship. However, Edmond assures Mercedes that "[they] are friends" (Dumas 344).
  • Her beg for mercy

    After Fernand is accused of treason and betrayal, this angers Mercedes son Albert. He oes to the COMC and confronts him for what has happened to his father. Albert claims that "[he] will be revenged" (Dumas 452) and challenges the Count. The Count does not like this and says he will kill Albert. When Mercedes finds out she goes to the Count addressing him as Edmond. She begs for him to spare Alberts life. Edmond gives in saying "[Albert] shall live" (Dumas 61). She thamks him.
  • The leave

    Mercedes and her son leave Fernand and all of their riches to start a new life. Edmond tells Mercedes of money he hid for her in Marselles. Albert joins "Spahis" (Dumas 538) so thta he can take care of his mother in their new life. When he leaves she weeps for him.