
Columbus Brewery Timeline

  • Louis Hoster founds the City Brewery

  • Period: to


  • Conrad Born Brewery is Founded

    Conrad Born Brewery is Founded
  • Period: to


  • Nicholas Schlee takes over Schlegel’s Bavarian Brewery

  • City Brewery is renamed "Hoster" Brewery

    City Brewery is renamed "Hoster" Brewery
  • Schlee Brewery is Established

  • Period: to


  • Hoster-Columbus Associated Breweries Co is formed

    Born Co.
    Schlee Brewing Co.
  • Franklin Brewery is Established

  • Period: to


  • Washington Brewery is Established

    Washington Brewery is Established
  • Gambrinus Brewing & Bottling Co. is Established

    Gambrinus Brewing & Bottling Co. is Established
  • Period: to


  • Period: to

    Washington Brewery

  • Ohio Brewery Company is Established

  • Period: to

    Ohio Brewery

  • Prohibition

    All breweries cease alchol production the Gambrinus Brewery forms Wagner & Sons Products and the Washington Brewery makes Joyce Products.
  • Period: to

    Wagner & Son Products

  • Wagner & Sons Brewing Co is formed by August Wagner

    Wagner & Sons Brewing Co is formed by August Wagner
    Wagner formerly ran the Gambrinus Brewery
  • Period: to

    Wagner & Son Brewery

  • Period: to

    Washington Brewery

  • Period: to

    Franklin Brewery