Columbian Exchange - Disease

  • Period: Jan 1, 1492 to Jan 1, 1492

    Beginning of Disease Exchanges

  • Jan 1, 1500


    This disease was brought back to Europe and was spread through sexual contact. Since sailors went a long period of time without women during the voyage, this was the end result. New World to Old World.
  • Jan 1, 1515


    Measles were brought to the Americas from European travelers and were spread very quickly by touch. Old World to New World. Link
  • Jan 1, 1525


    This disease came from European sailors who traveled to the Americas. Smallpox strikes the Inca empire, killing more than 200,000 people. Old World to New World Link
  • Chicken Pox

    This disease was spread rapidly as an effect of the Columbian Exchange. Many Europeans spread this disease by coughing or by touch. Old World to New World. Link
  • Malaria

    Europeans had many diseases foreign to the Natives in the Americas, making these diseases spread very rapidly. Old World to New World.
  • Hepatitis

    This disease was spread by Natives and bought back to the Old World from sailors and explorers who were sailing back to locations, such as Europe and Afro-Eurasia. New World to Old World. Link
  • Polio

    As travelers came back to the Old World, known as Afro-Eurasia and Europe, this disease was spread killing people before vaccines were found. New World to Old World. Link
  • Tobacco

    Although not an actual disease, it may have well been treated as one. This was not at all healthy for people, one statistic showing that more people in World War 2 were killed by cigarettes than the actual war. New World to Old World
  • Period: to

    End of Disease Exchanges