12,000 BCE
Paleo Indians
Paleo Indians camped near rivers to be close to water. They followed wild animals in the summer. They made clothing out of animal hides. -
Period: 12,000 BCE to 5500 BCE
Paleo Indians
Paleo Indians may possibly be first to live in Colorado. They camped near rivers to be close to water and were in search of food. They were hunter gatherers that means they hunt for food and gather berries. -
Period: 5500 BCE to 150 BCE
Archaic Indians
Archaic Indians would gather plants more then they would meat. Archaic Indians were ancient Indians they did not move around as much. Archaic people lived in pit houses a pit house is built by digging a hole in the ground. -
1100 BCE
Ute Indians
The Utes have lived in Colorado longer than other group of people. When they moved, it affected how they lived. They used animal skins to make clothes, they were also hunter gathers. -
Spanish Explorers
When the Spanish arrived in the new world they enslaved and killed a lot of the Native Americans. Some had to be miners and dig for gold. Some escaped, and others worked on farms. -
Women's Suffrage
Back when America became a country women weren't allowed to vote. They couldn't vote for president, mayor, or sheriff. After a long time Colorado thought everyone should be able to vote and the Women finally got to vote. -
American Explorers
In 1803 the U.S. made the Louisiana purchase where we bought 500,000,000 acres of Mississippi. The 3rd president Thomas Jefferson told explorers to go out there and learn about the land. He then sent Lewis and Clark to explore the the land. -
Period: to
Mexican-American war
The Mexican-American war gave the U.S. the land that eventually became Colorado and many other states. Mexico owned Colorado and many other states before the war but the U.S. wanted those states so we had a war, America won and we got Colorado and many other states. The states that mexico owned before us were: Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Nebraska, and Kansas territories. -
Placer Mining
When the placer miners would mine they would use a sluice all the loose dirt from the mountain would fall into sluice's they would shake the sluice's and all the big pieces of gold would fall to the bottom. When the gold rush would come in the spring everybody went down to the rivers to look for gold to be wealthy. -
Period: to
Lode Mining
Miners didn't give up they would search the mountains and find ore. Rocks with gold are called ore. Placer mining began to run out and then three big discoveries happened in the mountains. A man named George A. Jackson found an ounce of gold in today's Idaho Springs. After they found gold they would build towns. -
Back in the 19th century the men would be gone all day and night looking for gold and the women would stay home doing chores. Back then it didn't matter if you were in high school or preschool they would all be in the same class. The parents would donate money so the schools wouldn't get run down. -
Historic Natives: Cheyenne and Arapahoe
The Cheyenne would mainly hunt buffalo, they would cook it over an open fire with vegetables such as corn. They would often hunt buffalo in packs. Over the years they would fight for land. -
Period: to
Civil Rights
After World War 2 black people were treated bad. Whatever white people got b;lack people got that too but all old and rusty. After many years of segregation a man named Martin Luther King jr. protested to make it all equal but someone shot him and its mostly equal now. -
Jordan's Entry
I impact those around me by trying to be kind. I impact my country by picking up trash. I impact my world by trying to be a role model.