
evolution of the telegraph

  • Claude Chappe. invented a non-electric telegraph by dependingon sight

    Claude Chappe. invented a non-electric telegraph by dependingon sight
    not a specific date on when it was invented
  • Samuel Soemmering, invented a crude telegraph

    Samuel Soemmering, invented a crude telegraph
    not a specific date on when it was invented
  • William Sturgeon, invented the electromagnet

    William Sturgeon, invented the electromagnet
    not a specific date on when it was invented
  • Harrison Dyar, made a telegraph with electrical sparks thatburns a paper tape creating dots and dashes

    Harrison Dyar, made a telegraph with electrical sparks thatburns a paper tape creating dots and dashes
    not a specific date on when it was invented
  • Joseph Henry, created a sense of long distance communicationby sending an electric current that caused a bell to strike

  • Samuel Morse, the best invention of a practical and usable telegraph

    Samuel Morse, the best invention of a practical and usable telegraph
    not a specific date on when it was invented
  • Western Union built first transcontinental telegraph line

    Western Union built first transcontinental telegraph line
    not a specific date on when it was invented
  • Fredrick Creed, found a way to convert Morse code to text

    not a specific date on when it was invented
  • Western Union found a way to transmit eight messages simultaneously

    Western Union found a way to transmit eight messages simultaneously
  • automatic transmission could submit 80-90 words a minute

  • Western Union found a way to let a single wire carry 72 transmissionsat a time.

    Western Union found a way to let a single wire carry 72 transmissionsat a time.
  • Western Union let subscribers use the teleprinter service to dialto each other directly

    Western Union let subscribers use the teleprinter service to dialto each other directly