
By JT2004
  • Jan 1, 1300

    The Aborinies

    The Aborinies
    Australia was already coclonised because 50000 years ago the Aborigonals landed on the northern shores of Australia from the islands of East Timore and Indonisia. The got to Australia by logs of wood from tall reaim forest trees. When the Aborinies came on land the first place where they arrived was at the top of Australia.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to


    Timeline of the Colonisation
  • Mar 7, 1433

    Zheng He

    Zheng He
    In 1433 it was known that the Chinese came to Australia. He sailed around the Indian Ocean and may well have docked his ship on Australian land. But unfortuantly he didn't take over Australia. In 1405 he explored parts of the world. For four years, He fought on Prince Zhu Di’s side and accompanied him on numerous battles throughout China.The young Emperor died in 1424. By this time Zheng He has gone on 6 voyages.
  • Apr 10, 1521

    Cristovao De Mendonca

    Cristovao De Mendonca
    In 1521 Cristovao set out from Malacca with three Caravels on his mysterious Voyage. As we know as the 'Mahogany Ship' which is found on the victorian coast in the 1800 which was sunk with sand dunes on the boat.
  • William Janz

    William Janz
    In 1606 William Jansz sailed down the western coast of Cape York in Northern Queensland. Right after he left Australia a tone of other sailors from the Dutch, Spanish, French and British sailors. His actual name is William Janszoon. Aswell as comming to Australia he went to the northern part of New Guiniea. When he came to Australia many of his troops died from being attacked by Aborigines.
  • Dirk Hartog

    Dirk Hartog
    Dirk Hartog was an dutch explorer and sailor. He left his country hoping to land of Australian soil. Later in 1616 he droped his anchor on the coast of Western Australia.
  • Abel Tasman

    Abel Tasman
    Abel Janszoon Tasman was the first European explorer to reach the islands of Van Diemen's Land (now Tasmania) and New Zealand.
  • Captain Cook

    Captain Cook
    He first joined the British navy at the age of 29 and was promoted the British Master. In 1768, he took command of the first scientific expedition to the Pacific. In 1770, on his ship the HMS Endeavor, Cook discovered and charted New Zealand and the Great Barrier Reef of Australia—since credited as one of the world's most dangerous areas to navigate.
    Perspective: He would of been relieved because he has finally found land where he could colonise and where thay can find food.
  • When the British landed in Australia

    When the British landed in Australia
    Captain James Cook landed in Australia and he did not notice that there were other people on the island and they were called Aboriginals and there were also animals. Captain Cook chose to stay at Australia because it is easy trading from Asia. Between 1788 and 1850 the English sent over 162,000 convicts to Australia in 806 ships.
  • Aborinies Perspective

    Aborinies Perspective
    They would of confused because they have never seen white man or these big boats and a lot of food and animals. They also would be sad because they were taking over their land and taking their spiritual trees and belongings.
  • Sailors

    The sailors would be sad and excited because they get really sick when they don't have a lot of fruit because lack of fruit can give you scurvy. They would be excited because they would be relieved to get of that boat because poeple died and people got sick.
  • Louis-Antoine de Bougainville

    Louis-Antoine de Bougainville
    6 days after the English arrived the French came to Australia. In 1766 the French King gave Louis permission to sail around the globe. So he sailed around the pacific and it led to Tahiti, Samoa and the New Hebrides ( Which is now Vanuatu). At the western edge his ship was blocked off by this huge reef and now it is known as the Great Barrier Reef.
  • The First Fleet

    The First Fleet
    In 1788 Govenor Arthur sent 11 ships from England to Australia so they can settle into their new land.The First Fleet consisted two Royal Navy Vessel, three store boats and six convict transports, with over 1,000 Convicts. From England, they sailed to Rio De Janerio, to Cape town and then to Botony Bay.
  • Sailors Perspective

    Sailors Perspective
    Sailors Perspective:
    On the boats because there was no other transport to another country because there is no planes or anything. so on the boat the sailors would die of hunger because there was not enough food to go around on the ship because there were hundred of people on that boat, from lack of vitamin C because fruit is very good for your helth and if you didn't have fruit you would get scurvy that will put your feet into a really weird position and lack of vitamin D because.
  • John Batman

    John Batman
    John Batman was an Australian grazier, entrepreneur and explorer. He settled in the north-east of the Van Diemen's Land Colony in the 1820s, and later as a leading member of the Port Phillip Association.
  • Federation

    The Federation of Australia was the procces by which the 6 british self- Governing colonies agreed to unite and form the Commonwelth of Australia.The white man were thrild because Australia should become one and there was one commity that decided that we should become one and there were no Aborigonals on thet commity because they were not conciderd part of Australia.
  • WW1

    In 1915 the ANZAC's left Australia. We lost a great percent of our young men.
    Aborigiones Perspective:
    when the Aborigines got told that they would have to go to war they were excited because they thought it was fun and a new experience but actully war is a terrible sight.
  • 2015

    In 2015 we still have a close conection because we are both part of the Commenwelth, we speak the same language, both take part in the Ashes test series, both have a Union Jack on our flag, we had the same National Anthem.
    Aborigines Perspective:
    The Aborinies would be happy and free because they are now part of this country and have the right to vote and do what they want.