Period: 1500 to
south Carolina
Unsuccessful settlement
French soldier failed to make a settlement on pairs island.they abandoned it
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Stump-house Mountain tunnel
Stump-house Mountain tunnel was started by a railroad company. The tunnel was dug into Stump-house Mountain. -
Charles Town
Charleston was founded in 1660 at Alembert point.it became the economic and cultural center for the southern colonies.
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Civil War
When the civil war started ll construction on Sump-house Mountain stopped. -
In 1861 South Carolina was the 1st to seceded from the Union. -
civil War
1st shots of civil war were fired. -
Carolina was founded in 1663 by English colonists. -
Charleston Abandoned
Charleston was abandons its original site (Alembert point) and moved to its present day site location. -
William Tecumseh Sherman
At the end of the Civil War General William Tecumseh Sherman marched across SC destroying plantations -
Charleston became a refuge for Huguenots. -
In 1868 South Carolina re-joined the union. -
Proprietary Rule
colonists overthrew the Proprietary Rule. they didn't like it. -
Carolina Splits
Carolina split into north and south Carolina. -
African american Population
2/3 of South Carolina was African American, most were slaves. The other 1/3 was mixed. -
Newq Government
SC set up a new government(Royal Government) John Rutledge was elected president of the government. -
South Carolina was the 8th state to enter the union. -
U.S Constitution
On May 23, 1788 SC became the 8th state to adopt the U.S Constitution. -
San-tee Canal
The San-tee Canal opened in 1800, it had great successes. There were 8 other canals that were also finished in 1800. -
In 1804 South Carolina changed counties to districts. -
White population
The white population exceeded the African american population for the first time since 1730. -
Fort Sumter
During 1861 Fort Sumter was bombardment, 6 cannon shots were fired. -
At the end of the Civil War all African Americans were given limited rights. -
in 1885 a category 3 hurricane devastated South Carolina. -
19th Amendment
South Carolina rejected the 19th amendment, which gave women the right to vote. -
Hurricane Hazel
Hurricane Hazel hit Sc it was a category 4 with winds up to 140mph. -
Hurricane Grace
Hurricane Grace devastated SC with winds up to 125mph, Grace was a category 3. -
Hurricane Hugo
Hugo hit SC in 1989, Hugo desrtoyed everything int its path with winds up to 149mph -
Same Sex Marriage
In 2014 SC was the 35th State to legalize Same Sex Marriage.