German occupation of Cameroon begins in 1884
In 1884, after the Portuguese started a trade route in 1770 they had many trades relations abroad . Then the Germans came and they developed schools, railways and other basics of infrastructure. Pretty soon they had their own efficent and amazing country that was booming because it was well run and was succesful. -
French Cameroon occupation begins
In 1918 the French took the troops out that they had stationed their for training. They soon realized it was a strateigic location and therefore they set up base in the capital city and started to govern the country at the same time as the Germans. They set up trade and made overseas relations so they could help mantain their presence in the region. -
The Germans sign over Cameroon to The French and the British
In 1919, after the First World War, France and Britain had the Germans sign the treaty of Versailles to give all the control of the colonies to the British and the French. However, the French were already controling parts of Cameroon in 1918 so it gave them an advantage of having access to ports and more territory. -
The British start their Colonial occupation of Cameroon
In 1922, the Britsh took Cameroon because it was a part of the league of Mandates which was a council of countries that included Britain and France. In that same year, the British became powerful over the country like the French. -
The French end their occupation of Cameroon
In 1960, after 42 years of occupation by the French, the people of Cameroon asked UN to reactivate the trustee agreement. So in 1956 the banned UPC party started a independence struggle which eventually emerged with the Bamilike and the Bassa ethnic groups . Then in 1958 France repected the agreement and left the country. -
The British leave Cameroon the last time
In 1961, after 39 years of an colonial occupation of Cameroon
after years of disccusions the country became independent. Shortly after the newly elected democratic leaders formed the National Assembly of Cameroon. The country was on the right track to becoming the free and prosperous land it is today.