founding of Hudson Bay Company
Explores and founders of the HBC, Pierre-Esprit Radison and Medard Des Groseillers convinced Charles II with his help they could make England competitive in the fur trade. they claimed the land the Hudson Bay for England, and the got a royal charter, granting exclusive trading rights to lands draind by rivers flowing ing the Hudson Bay. -
Founding of the Northwest Company
A fur trading company created by French explorers, who had established trading posts anlong major rivers and offten traded with First Nations partners. -
Founding of Selkirk Settlement
The 5th Earl of Selkirk (Thomas Douglas) made a settlement for poor tennant farmers in Red River Valley. -
Pemican Proclamation
Afraid that crops would fail, Miles Macdonell banned the export of pemican (an essential food at the time) from Red River Valley for one year to protect colonists from starvation -
Battle of Seven Oaks
Robert Semple became the new governer for the Hudson Bay Company colony and buned down an unused NWC trading post which the metis perceived a a sign of war. In may 1816, Cuthbert Grant led a group of metis to raid several HBC york boats, and took a large supply of pemican. Grant meant to take the pemican to Lake Winnipeg, but was seen by a lookout at Fort Douglas. the colonist led by Semple confronted the Metis and the Metis overpowered the colonists. 20 colonists died but only one Metis died. -
HBC and NWC merge
Both companies fought for control of the fur trade to near bankrupcy, so the British government forced the companies to merge -
Canada buys Ruperts Land
Politicitian wanted a dominion of Canada that stretched from coast to coast and HBC could no longer afford to run Ruperts Land. HBC decied to give up control of Ruperts land to the government. -
Red River Resistance
The Metis attempt to have recognized rights and a self-government, led by Louis Riel. -
Thomas Scott Executed
Louis Riel feared the Canadian Party would take control of the Red River Settlement so he decieded to act first he took 49 prisoners to Upper Fort Gary. A particularly difficult prisoner, Thomas Scott, was later charged with treason and executed. Scott became a martyr for anti-French advocates. -
Metis List of Rights Created
Agreed to by the Convention of the Red River Settlement, it reflected the concerns of those who lived in Red River and later became a base for the Manitoba Act.