Magna Carta
Purpose? It was a government document that limited the power of the king of England and protected nobility rights.
Big Ideas? Limited Government, rights, rule of law & due process.
Who wrote it? English nobility.
This is a? Government Document. -
Mayflower Compact
This is? A government Document
Who write it? Pilgrims
Purpose? To determine whose in charge, created self government.
Big ideas? Self government and Rule of law. -
English BOF
Who wrote i?> English parliament.
Purpose? Expanded rights of the parliament and people, while limiting the kings power.
Big ideas? Limited government, rights, rule of law, due process.
(Government document) -
Cato's letter
Purpose?Argued against kings heavy handed rule and discussed freedom of expression.
Who wrote it? Two English journalists.
Big ideas? Rights and Rule of law. -
Common Sense
Who wrote it? Thomas Paine (Colonial Journalists)
Purpose? Explained arguments for independence and made it easy to understand. Also encouraged them to fight for independence from Britain.
Big ideas? Self government and rights