Charles II grants his brother land
Charles II grants his brother, James, Duke of York, the lnd extending from St. Lawrence River to Deaware including Maine, Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket, Long Island and the land between Conneticut and Delawaare Rivers. (NY and NJ) -
Duke James grants land
Duke James grants land between Hudson nd Delaware Rivers to friends, John Berkley and Sir George Carteret. Nova Caeceria (New Jersey) is mentioned for the first time in honor of Carteret's defense of the Isle of NJ in English Channel. They were to pay 20 nobles per year for NJ together. NJ became a proprietory colony divied into two provinces, East and West Jersey. East Jersey was governed by Sir John Berkley and West Jersey was governed by Sir George Carteret. -
Concessions of 1664
Their Concessions of 1664 provided representative government: an Assemly of twelve deputies elected yearly who had to consent to all taxes. The Assembly appointed thir governor and council who were to make the rules and constitute the courts. -
Richard Nicolls is established governor
Four British figrates arrive at New Amsterdam, the Dutch surrender. Richard Nicolls is established as governor of the Duke's territories. New Amsterdam is named New York. New Jersey is called Albania by local English. -
Concessions and Agreements published
Berkley and Carteret publish Concessions and Agreements based on Carolina's concessions to which they both were former proprietors before governing two provinces of NJ. -
Captain Phillip Carteret is governor
Captain Phillip Carteret, cousin of Sir George Carteret, arrives as governor of new colony. Elizabth-town is named in honor of Lady Elizabeth carterret, Sir George Carteret's wife. -
First Assmebly
First Assmebly met in 1668, although several of th towns settled by New Englanders refused to participate, claiming even more local right to government. -
1673-1674 Dutch recapture former New Netherland
East Jersey authority was exercised b Govt Phllip Carteret until he was overthrown by the ucth who recaptured what was formely known as New Netherlands. -
Gov Edmund Andros
Edmud Androis commissioned govern of N by Duke James -
English seeks control over NJ
Gov Phillip cartret returned as governor of east Jersey after seeking assistance from England. Englished created WestminsterTreaty allowing regain of NY and NJ. -
John Berkley sell East Jersey
John Berkley sells Eaat Jersey to John Fenwick in trust for Edward Byllynge. -
Triparty deed signed
Triparty deed signed in which William Penn, Garwen Laurie and Nicholas Lucas became trustees of Edward Byllynge's interest in Eastern NJ except for one tenth granted to John Fenwick. -
Fenwick and Bylynge falling out
In Engand, East Jersey propretor had a falling oout. Fenwick headed for Delaware where he started his on settlement at Salem nd attempted to exercise authority as governor. -
Quintile deed signed
Quintile (5 part) deed signed by Carteret and trustees of Western NJ established boundary line projected from Little Egg Harbor to a point 41 degrees and 40 ' latitude on the upper Delaware. -
Fenwick arrested
Fenwick was arrested by Gov Edmund Andros for ilegally exercising authority as governor. -
Sir George Carteret dies
Sir George Carteret dies; Gov Andros soon after asserts authority over NJ and chalenges Gov Phillip Cater authority by arresting him for illegal exercise of NJ. -
Confirmation of governor by Duke of York
Ded of confirmaion signed by uke of York conveying West Jersey to Edward Byllynge and other proprietors. -
Byllynge sold his portion of West Jersey
Byllynge sold his portion of West Jersey to Daniel Coxe, an english investor, who later sold his portion to West Jersey Society, a group of investors. -
east Jersey is sold by trustees
East Jersy is sold by trustees of Sir George Carteret to twleve men, all Quakers except one, led by William Penn