colonial era tmeline

  • jamestown

    Jamestown is founded in Virginia by the colonists of the London Company. By the end of the year, starvation and disease reduce the original 105 settlers to just 32 survivors. Capt. John Smith
    Captain John Smith, a leader of Jamestown, led expeditions in Virginia. The next year he sailed north to explore the Chesapeake Bay and the Potomac river. In 1614 he spent a summer on Monhegan Island, off the coast of Maine, and mapped the coast south to Cape Cod. He called the area New England.
  • john smith leads expeditions in virginia

    Captain John Smith, a leader of Jamestown, led expeditions in Virginia. The next year he sailed north to explore the Chesapeake Bay and the Potomac river. In 1614 he spent a summer on Monhegan Island, off the coast of Maine, and mapped the coast south to Cape Cod. He called the area New England.
  • henry hudson and the hudson river

    The Dutch East India Company sponsors a seven month voyage of exploration to North America by Henry Hudson. In September he sails up the Hudson River to Albany
  • tobacco is first planted

    Native tobacco is first planted and harvested in Virginia by colonists.
  • 440 settlers die

    Approximately 440 Jamestown settles die during the Starving Time.
  • tobacco

    Virginians plant their first tobacco crop. Tobacco became known as Virginia's Green Gold.
  • trading post is set up

    A Dutch trading post is set up on lower Manhattan Island.
  • idians KIDNAPPED

    Thomas Hunt, an English sea captain, kidnapped about twenty-seven Indians off the Massachusetts coast and took them to Spain, where they were sold as slaves. One of these men was a Patuxet Indian named Tisquantum, or Squanto.
  • pocahontas and john rolfe

    Thomas Hunt, an English sea captain, kidnapped about twenty-seven Indians off the Massachusetts coast and took them to Spain, where they were sold as slaves. One of these men was a Patuxet Indian named Tisquantum, or Squanto.
  • small pox

    A smallpox epidemic decimates the Native American population in New England.
  • stable export in virginia

    Tobacco becomes an export staple for Virginia.
  • squanto

    John Haney, a merchant, befriended Squanto and arranged for him to return to America. He traveled aboard an English ship and made his way back home to Patuxet (later to be named Plymouth).
  • slavery in the colonies

    Twenty Africans are brought by a Dutch ship to Jamestown for sale as indentured servants, marking the beginning of slavery in Colonial America.
  • the first legislative assembly in america accurs

    The first session of the first legislative assembly in America occurs as the Virginia House of Burgesses convenes in Jamestown. It consists of 22 burgesses representing 11 plantations.
  • the mayflower sails into cape cod

    November 9, the Mayflower ship lands at Cape Cod, Massachusetts, with 101 colonists. Squanto came to live with the Pilgrims and showed them how to plant corn, fish with nets, and hunt deer.
  • the mayflower compact is signed

    On November 11, the Mayflower Compact is signed by the 41 men, establishing a form of local government in which the colonists agree to abide by majority rule and to cooperate for the general good of the colony. The Compact sets the precedent for other colonies as they set up governments.
  • the new public library

    The first public library in the colonies is organized in Virginia with books donated by English landowners.
  • dutch colonists arrive in new york

    Thirty families of Dutch colonists, sponsored by the Dutch West India Company arrive in New York.
  • virginia becomes a royal colony

    The Virginia Company charter is revoked in London and Virginia is declared a Royal colony.
  • manhatten is bought

    Peter Minuit, a Dutch colonist, buys Manhattan island from Native Americans for 60 guilders (about $24) and names the island New Amsterdam.
  • king henry tries to rule

    In England, King Charles I dissolves parliament and attempts to rule as absolute monarch, spurring many to leave for the American colonies.
  • first governor of boston

    In March, John Winthrop leads a Puritan migration of 900 colonists to Massachusetts Bay, where he will serve as the first governor.
  • boston is founded officially

    In September, Boston is officially established and serves as the site of Winthrop's government.
  • the first town government

    The first town government in the colonies is organized in Dorchester, Massachusetts.
  • marylands first town is founded

    The first public library in the colonies is organized in Virginia with books donated by English landowners.
  • providence and rhode island are founded

    In June, Roger Williams founds Providence and Rhode Island. Williams had been banished from Massachusetts for "new and dangerous opinions" calling for religious and political freedoms, including separation of church and state, not granted under the Puritan rules. Providence then becomes a haven for many other colonists fleeing religious intolerance.
  • anne hutchinson goes to rhode island

    Anne Hutchinson is banished from Massachusetts for nonconformist religious views that advocate personal revelation over the role of the clergy. She then travels with her family to Rhode Island.
  • slavery

    slavery becomes legal in New England
  • slavery illegal in rhode island

  • the navigation act is approved

    The English Crown approves a Navigation Act requiring the exclusive use of English ships for trade in the English Colonies and limits exports of tobacco and sugar and other commodities to England or its colonies.
  • imprts to the colonies must go through on english ships

    Navigation Act of 1663 requires that most imports to the colonies must be transported via England on English ships.
  • royal africa company is given a monopoly

    The Royal Africa Company is given a monopoly in the English slave trade.
  • the dutch get back new york

    Dutch military forces retake New York from the British.
  • the customs commissioner affics is set up

    The British Navigation Act of 1663 sets up the office of customs commissioner in the colonies to collect duties on goods that pass between plantations.
  • the treaty of west minster

    The Treaty of Westminster ends hostilities between the English and Dutch and returns Dutch colonies in America to the English.
  • king philips war errupts

    King Philip's War erupts in New England between colonists and Native Americans as a result of tensions over colonist's expansionist activities. The bloody war rages up and down the Connecticut River valley in Massachusetts and in the Plymouth and Rhode Island colonies, eventually resulting in 600 English colonials being killed and 3,000 Native Americans, including women and children on both sides. King Philip (the colonist's nickname for Metacomet, chief of the Wampanoags) is hunted down and kil
  • culpers rebellion

    North Carolina colonists rebel against English taxation. This was known as Culpeper's Rebellion.
  • pennsylvania is founded

    Pennsylvania is founded as William Penn, a Quaker, receives a Royal charter with a large land grant from King Charles II.
  • immigrants arrive in pennsylvania

    A large wave of immigrants, including many Quakers, arrives in Pennsylvania from Germany and the British Isles.
  • protestants lose religious freedom

    Protestants in France lose their guarantee of religious freedom as King Louis XIV revokes the Edict of Nantes, spurring many to leave for America.
  • colonists lose their political rights and freedom

    King James II begins consolidating the colonies of New England into a single Dominion depriving colonists of their local political rights and independence. Legislatures are dissolved and the King's representatives assume all of the judicial and legislative power.
  • formal protest issued

    Quakers in Pennsylvania issue a formal protest against slavery in America.
  • king williams war

    The beginning of King William's War as hostilities in Europe between the French and English spill over to the colonies. In February, Schenectady, New York is burned by the French with the aid of their Native American allies.
  • witchcraft in salem massachusetts

    In May, hysteria grips the village of Salem, Massachusetts, as witchcraft suspects are arrested and imprisoned. A special court is then set up by the governor of Massachusetts. Between June and September, 150 persons are accused, with 20 persons, including 14 women, being executed. By October, the hysteria subsides, remaining prisoners are released and the special court is dissolved.
  • the royal african trade company loses its slave trade monopoly, spurring colonists in New england to engage in slave trading for profit

    The Royal African Trade Company loses its slave trade monopoly, spurring colonists in New England to engage in slave trading for profit. In April, the Navigation Act of 1696 is passed by the English Parliament requiring colonial trade to be done exclusively via English built ships. The Act also expands the powers of colonial custom commissioners, including rights of forcible entry, and requires the posting of bonds on certain goods.
  • roman catholic priests have to leave

    n June, Massachusetts passes a law ordering all Roman Catholic priests to leave the colony within three months, upon penalty of life imprisonment or execution. New York then passes a similar law.
  • queen anne ascends the english throne

    In March, Queen Anne ascends the English throne. In May, England declares war on France after the death of the King of Spain, Charles II, to stop the union of France and Spain. This War of the Spanish Succession is called Queen Anne's War in the colonies, where the English and American colonists will battle the French, their Native American allies, and the Spanish for the next eleven years.
  • virginia black code of 1705

    In Virginia, slaves are assigned the status of real estate by the Virginia Black Code of 1705. In New York, a law against runaway slaves assigns the death penalty for those caught over 40 miles north of Albany. Massachusetts declares marriage between African Americans and whites to be illegal.
  • tea is introduced

    Tea is introduced for the first time into the American Colonies. In August, King George I ascends to the English throne, succeeding Queen Anne.
  • slaves brought to the loiusiana territory

    The first group of black slaves is brought to the Louisiana territory.
  • blackbeard (Edward teach) is killed

    Blackbeard, the pirate, is killed, putting an end to pirate raids along the southern colonial coast.
  • king gearge ascends the throne

    King George II ascends the English throne.
  • the pennsylvania gazette is published

    Benjamin Franklin begins publishing The Pennsylvania Gazette, which eventually becomes the most popular colonial newspaper.
  • the first bank in pennsylvania is founded

    The first American public library is founded in Philadelphia by Benjamin Franklin.
  • the poor richards almanac is published

    Benjamin Franklin publishes Poor Richard's Almanac, containing weather predictions, humor, proverbs and epigrams, selling nearly 10,000 copies per year.
  • newspaper publisher is arrested

    In November, New York newspaper publisher John Peter Zenger is arrested and accused of seditious libel by the Governor. In December, the Great Awakening religious revival movement begins in Massachusetts. The movement will last ten years and spread to all of the American colonies.
  • revolt plans are re vealed

    Fifty black slaves are hanged in Charleston, South Carolina, after plans for another revolt are revealed. Also in 1740, in Europe, the War of the Austrian Succession begins after the death of Emperor Charles VI and eventually results in France and Spain allied against England. The conflict is known in the American colonies as King George's War and lasts until 1748.
  • the seven years war

    Seven Years' War or The French and Indian War takes place between the French and Algonquin Indians and the Iroquois, allied by the English.
  • victory over the french

    In May, George Washington leads a small group of American colonists to victory over the French, then builds Fort Necessity in the Ohio territory. In July, after being attacked by numerically superior French forces, Washington surrenders the fort and retreats.
  • general edward braddock

    In February, English General Edward Braddock arrives in Virginia with two regiments of English troops. Gen. Braddock assumes the post of commander in chief of all English forces in America. In April, Gen. Braddock and Lt. Col. George Washington set out with nearly 2000 men to battle the French in the Ohio territory. In July, a force of about 900 French and Indians defeat those English forces. Braddock is mortally wounded. Massachusetts Governor William Shirley then becomes the new commander in
  • england declares war

    England declares war on France, as the French and Indian War in the colonies now spreads to Europe.
  • william pitt

    In June, William Pitt becomes England's Secretary of State and escalates the French and Indian War in the colonies by establishing a policy of unlimited warfare. In July, Benjamin Franklin begins a five year stay in London.
  • defeat

    In July, a devastating defeat occurs for English forces at Lake George, New York, as nearly two thousand men are lost during a frontal attack against well entrenched French forces at Fort Ticonderoga. French losses are 377. In November, the French abandon Fort Duquesne in the Ohio territory. Settlers then rush into the territory to establish homes. Also in 1758, the first Indian reservation in America is founded, in New Jersey, on 3000 acres.
  • fort captured

    French Fort Niagara is captured by the English. Also in 1759, war erupts between Cherokee Indians and southern colonists.
  • population reaches1500000

    The population of colonists in America reaches 1,500,000. In March, much of Boston is destroyed by a raging fire. In September, Quebec surrenders to the English. In October, George III becomes the new English King.
  • the french and indian war

    The French and Indian War, known in Europe as the Seven Year's War, ends with the Treaty of Paris. Under the treaty, France gives England all French territory east of the Mississippi River, except New Orleans. The Spanish give up east and west Florida to the English in return for Cuba.
  • warfare against the british

    In May, the Ottawa Native Americans under Chief Pontiac begin all-out warfare against the British west of Niagara, destroying several British forts and conducting a siege against the British at Detroit. In August, Pontiac's forces are defeated by the British near Pittsburgh. The siege of Detroit ends in November, but hostilities between the British and Chief Pontiac continue for several years.
  • the proclomation of 1763

    colonists couldn't move west of the appalachian mountains