Colonial America Timeline

  • Roanoke

    The lost colony of Roanoke was founded by Sir Walter Raleigh. The mayor, John White, left for supplies. Upon his return, the colonists had disappeared and were nowhere to be found. The only evidence was CRO carved into a tree.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses was an assembly of representatives. It was hosted in colonial Virginia. Which was an outgrowth of the first elective governing body in a British overseas possession.
  • Connecticut

    Trading posts were established along the Connecticut River by the Dutch from New Amsterdam and by the English from the Plymouth colony. The first European settlers to stay in the middle Connecticut River valley during 1633–35. They came from Massachusetts Bay Colony. Thomas Hooker founded Hartford. The Connecticut River settlements and the New Haven colony were united in 1665.
  • Bacon's rebellion

  • The Great Migration

    In the year 1900 , nearly eight million black people, about 90% of black people lived in the south. Six million black Southerners relocated to the north and west from 1916 to 1970. They were in search of economic opportunities. Also for an escape of racial violence.